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Each year, the Game Developers Conference hosts the Game Narrative Review Competition, inviting students from game design programs across the world to submit a detailed story analysis on a game of their choosing. See below for the full list of DigiPen students who have earned a gold or platinum award since 2008.


Soo, Qi Ren
Platinum Winner

Crissey, Noah
Gold Winner

Scheidler, Abigail
Gold Winner

Hao, Josh
Gold Winner

Runyon, Connor
Gold Winner


Shcherbakova, Vasilisa
Platinum Winner

Crissey, Noah
Gold Winner

Foo, Venus
DigiPen (Singapore)
Gold Winner


Heitmann, Ellen
Platinum Winner

Coker, Canon
Gold Winner

Runyon, Connor
Gold Winner

Shcherbakova, Vasilisa
Gold Winner


Chaney, Sorin
Gold Winner

Knezek, Joseph
Gold Winner

Najed, Sami
Gold Winner

Rodriguez, Keion
Gold Winner

Wilkinson, Mayzie
Gold Winner

Loh, Chang Zhen
DigiPen (Singapore) Gold Winner

Sng, Abigail
DigiPen (Singapore) Gold Winner


McDonald, Kai
Gold Winner

Pratt, Laurel
Gold Winner


Hinenzon, Stav
Gold Winner


Rieck, Andrea
Platinum Winner

Harris, Kaila
Gold Winner

Lozano, Jesse
Gold Winner


Myres, John C.
Platinum Winner

Rieck, Andrea
Gold Winner

Nekumanesh, Kaleb
Gold Winner

Jinks, Samson
Gold Winner

Hinenzon, Stav
Gold Winner

Roberts, Shiloh
Gold Winner


Lucas, Alexandra
Platinum Winner

Barton, Harrison
Platinum Winner

Abdus-Sabur, Izzy
Platinum Winner

Van Zant, Michael
Gold Winner

Tran, Viet Nhi
Gold Winner

Schroeder, Kiera
Gold Winner

Rosario, Christopher
Gold Winner

Beagle, Chris
Gold Winner


Lucas, Alexandra
Platinum Winner

Butt, Jonathan
Gold Winner

Chenier, Gabriel
Gold Winner

Ellenwood, Dustin
Gold Winner

Rayment, Chase
Gold Winner


Challender, Brenda
Gold Winner

Maiorano, Nicole
Gold Winner

Douseau, John
Gold Winner


Cheng Ding Xiang
Gold Winner

Boden, George
Gold Winner

Crowell, Spencer
Gold Winner

Gregoire, Jonathan
Gold Winner

Hill, Andy
Gold Winner

Howe, Sin Ye
Gold Winner

McDaniel, Aaron
Gold Winner


Moutrie, Khalil
Platinum Winner

Cassell, Ryan
Gold Winner

Dassler, Samuel
Gold Winner


Foss, Erik
Platinum Winner

Kanigal, David
Honorable Mention


Vandergrift, Ben
Platinum Winner

Barth, Zachary
Gold Winner

Durand, Ryan
Gold Winner

Hayes, Patrick
Gold Winner

Hogue, Zabir
Gold Winner

Hunter, Sean
Gold Winner

Kwan, Perng
Gold Winner

Lobato, Michael
Gold Winner

McCrain, Evan
Gold Winner

McWilliams, Andrew
Gold Winner

Parsell, Jay
Gold Winner

Rotondo, Nicholas
Gold Winner

Ryan, Allan
Gold Winner

Tallman, Chris
Gold Winner


Ireland, Talon
Platinum Winner

Austria, Paul
Gold Winner

Bacon, Laura
Gold Winner

Cameron, Patrick
Gold Winner

Chen, Alex
Gold Winner

Clark, Christopher
Gold Winner

Davidson, Raymond
Gold Winner

Durand, Ryan
Gold Winner

Goga, Adam
Gold Winner

Hutchinson, Hamza
Gold Winner

Leung, Joanna
Gold Winner

Liddell, Evan
Gold Winner

Lopes, Tom
Gold Winner

Mcelroy, Cullen
Gold Winner

McElroy, Michael
Gold Winner

O’Leary, Patrick
Gold Winner

Parsell, Jay
Gold Winner

Peng, Kwan
Gold Winner

Sexton, Kirk
Gold Winner

Susetyo, Michael
Gold Winner

Walker, Patrick
Gold Winner

Walker, Wayne
Gold Winner


Gubelman, Sean
Platinum Winner

Kamm, Alex
Platinum Winner

Osaben, Erik
Platinum Winner

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