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Collaboration and engagement are hallmarks of the academic experience at DigiPen, but that doesn’t stop at schoolwork. As a DigiPen student, we encourage you to get involved, meet new people, and have an active life outside of your studies. Student clubs and organizations are great ways to accomplish all three.

A Sample of Active Student Organizations:

Voice Acting Club

The Voice Acting Club’s goal is to pursue writing, acting, and vocal technique together. It also provides an opportunity for students to receive additional information from professionals in the field of voice acting.

DigiPen Career Club

Transitioning into the work force after graduating from DigiPen can be a life-changing step, and that’s why providing connections and resources to current students is a core goal of the DigiPen Career Club.

Pride Club

The Pride Club serves as DigiPen’s student-run LGBTQ+ Club and Gay-Straight Alliance. Pride Club promotes tolerance and respect for all gender identities and sexual orientations both on DigiPen’s campus and in the entertainment industry.

Halo Club

Halo Club is an inclusive space for veteran and new Halo fans alike — meetings will include playing together, discussing lore, analyzing news, and participating in other related activities to bring people together under a shared love for Halo.

Dragon Athletics

Dragon Athletics organizes games of basketball, soccer, tennis, and other sports throughout the year. The group is also a place for members to share fitness tips and talk about how to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Tech Art Club

Tech Art Club helps members learn more about one of the fastest growing fields in professional art production. The club also brings in industry veterans to talk to students about developments in the world of technical art.

There are dozens of student organizations open to all students spanning interests in gaming, science, art, culture, and more. These groups are completely student-driven, which means they vary from year to year. If you don’t see a student organization you want to get involved in, why not organize one yourself? DigiPen provides student organizations with meeting spaces, promotional opportunities, and even funds to hold events or bring speakers to campus.

Contact The Office of Student Engagement with any questions.

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Ready to take your education further? Head to our secure application portal and submit an application for admission.

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