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Job Postings

Have a job opening and need to get the word out? We offer multiple places to post your announcement, including:

  • Handshake

    This free database allows employers to post open jobs for free and search through student and alumni resumes. Visit Handshake to register for a new account. If you have any questions, please contact a member of Career Services.

  • DigiPen Alumni LinkedIn Group

    Post your job opening to thousands of DigiPen Alumni of all experience levels at once through our active social media groups. To post your job opening, please email the job description to a member of Career Services.

NextGen Industry Mixer

The NextGen Industry Mixer is a new opportunity for employers, tech and game industry contributors, and other local professionals to meet our upcoming graduating students. This mixer-style event offers a fun format where industry professionals can meet like-minded graduates in a relaxed setting. Food and refreshments will be provided.

For more information about DigiPen’s NextGen Industry Mixer, please contact any member of the Career Services team at

Internship Fair

This event brings together several regional tech companies and game studios to one location and gives you a chance to connect with a diverse group of students across all our degree programs seeking internships, contract positions, part-time roles, and full-time positions. This is a traditional style fair requiring the employer to host a booth. This event is free to attend, and lunch and refreshments are included. We look forward to having your company join us, and please reach out to if you have any questions.

Company Days

Each week, we invite companies to campus to interact with DigiPen students in a number of ways. Participating companies have sent programmers, artists, designers, producers, HR representatives, university relations representatives, or a group of employees (the more diverse, the better!) to talk about their work and their companies. Companies can use their time to recruit, build brand awareness, or both!

Presentations can include an informational/historic rundown of the company, the role of each presenter at the company, a trailer or demo of the company’s product(s), information about how the company hires interns and entry-level employees, and compelling reasons why students would want to work there. Presentation styles vary from company to company.

If you are interested in a Company Day time slot, contact

Student Hiring Timelines

Due to our semester-based schedule, current students seeking internships usually look for position start dates at the beginning of September, the beginning of January, or the beginning of May.

Graduating students are usually eligible for full-time employment the first week in May, with smaller batches of students graduating in December and July. These students often start looking for full-time work several months before graduating, both at on-campus recruiting events and through industry conferences like GDC.

Recruiting Policies for Employers

We abide by the Principles for Ethical Professional Practice outlined by the National Association of Colleges and Employers. These principles outline what we expect of employers when they interact with and recruit DigiPen students. For more, please see a full list of our Recruiting Policies.