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You can attend every event and read every webpage and brochure, but ultimately, the best sources of information on the everyday student experience are the students themselves. Whether you’re interested in DigiPen’s admissions process, academics, or student services, our Student Ambassadors are eager to talk with you.

If text is your preferred method of contact, the #ask-a-dragon channel in our DigiPen Admissions Discord Server offers a comfortable and straightforward way to connect with our Student Ambassadors. All are welcome to drop questions into the chat and read up on recent comments from other students and staff. Student Ambassadors will reply throughout the day, and you can typically expect a response within 24 hours. Join the Discord server by clicking or scanning the QR code.

Click or Scan QR Code

First time using Discord? As a social platform that allows you to communication through chat, voice calls, video calls, and other media, Discord houses both public and private servers that users can pick and choose to join. Each server is made up of unique channels that allow users to communicate in smaller, dedicated spaces with a focused topic or theme. Our DigiPen Admissions Discord Server is a public server run by the Office of Outreach at DigiPen, and our #ask-a-dragon channel is one of many channels aimed to help answer questions and get students familiar with their peers.

Take the Next Step

Get connected with DigiPen and stay in the loop!

Sign up to get in touch with a personal representative at DigiPen, and we’ll also send you a digital viewbook detailing our degree programs.

Request Information


Start Your Application

Ready to take your education further? Head to our secure application portal and submit an application for admission.

Apply Online