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The DigiPen Library (also called the Learning Resource Center) aims to provide high-quality learning materials to support the Institute’s curriculum, students, and faculty. Students have access to a variety of resources such as books, e-books, online research databases, board games, DVDs, video games, and equipment relevant to their programs of study. The library also subscribes to a selection of major journals and magazines related to the fields of video games, simulation, computer engineering, and animation.

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All DigiPen faculty, year-round staff, and enrolled students are eligible for a library card. To receive library privileges, please come to the library to set up an account. Many of the items in the library are available for three-week check out.

Library materials become overdue if not returned by the due date. An overdue notification is usually sent as a courtesy reminder. You are responsible for the returning of borrowed materials on time whether or not you receive an overdue notice.

Computers and Equipment

Students, faculty, and staff with a valid DigiPen account are eligible to use the computers and printer in the library. The library has wireless access.

Electronic Databases

  • DigiPen Library Catalog: A database of all the materials owned by the library.
  • Ebooks, scholarly articles, and specialized encyclopedias: check out the “Links” tab in the Library Catalog
  • Sound asset library: music and sound effects are available in the library


Reserve materials are items that are in high demand by students and faculty. Most of the reserved materials are course textbooks. These items only check out for four hours at a time.

Proctoring Service

A proctoring service is available for students who may have missed an exam and have permission to make up that exam, or for students who require extra exam time or other testing accommodations approved by the Disability Support Services Office. Students needing our proctoring service should fill out a Proctoring Request Form. For more information about our proctoring service, contact the Disability Support Services Office ( or the library (

Information and Reference Services

The library provides assistance with research and general informational questions.

Tutoring and the Academic Support Lab

The Tutoring Center (also called the Academic Support Lab) at DigiPen is used for individual and group tutoring sessions. It is also an excellent place for students to gather to establish study groups. The Academic Support Lab is located on the ground floor of the Wing.

Find more information on the Academic Support Lab page.

The Makerspace

The Makerspace is a high- and low-tech environment in the library that features 3D printers, a soldering station, and other tools. Learn more about the specific tools available for use and how to get access to the Makerspace at our dedicated page.

The library’s mission is to maintain and develop collections and services in support of the present and future research needs of DigiPen Institute of Technology. In order to carry out this mission, the library will always aim to develop and maintain an understanding of the needs of its users and potential users and respond to them; build the necessary collections and services and provide access to them; preserve the collection for future users; develop appropriate skills and motivation of staff at all levels; and exploit in all areas the potential of technology in order to achieve these aims.

Intellectual Freedom Principles for Academic Libraries

An Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights

A strong perspective of intellectual freedom is critical to the development of academic library collections and services that dispassionately meet the education and research needs of a college or university community. This statement outlines how and where principles of intellectual freedom fit into an academic library setting and highlight the context of intellectual freedom within which academic librarians work. The following principles should be reflected in all relevant library policy documents:

  1. The general principles set forth in the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights form an indispensable framework for building collections, services, and policies that serve the entire academic community.

  2. The privacy of library users is and must be inviolable. Policies should be in place that maintain confidentiality of library borrowing records and of other information relating to personal use of library information and services.

  3. The development of library collections in support of an institution’s instruction and research programs should transcend the personal values of the selector. In the interests of research and learning, it is essential that collections contain materials representing a variety of perspectives on subjects that may be considered controversial.

  4. Preservation and replacement efforts should ensure that balance in library materials is maintained and that controversial materials are not removed from the collections through theft, loss, mutilation, or normal wear and tear. There should be alertness to efforts by special interest groups to bias a collection though systematic theft or mutilation.

  5. Licensing agreements should be consistent with the Library Bill of Rights, and should maximize access.

  6. Open and unfiltered access to the Internet should be conveniently available to the academic community in a college or university library. Content filtering devices and content-based restrictions are a contradiction of the academic library mission to further research and learning through exposure to the broadest possible range of ideas and information. Such restrictions are a fundamental violation of intellectual freedom in academic libraries.

  7. Freedom of information and of creative expression should be reflected in library exhibits and in all relevant library policy documents.

  8. Library meeting rooms, research carrels, exhibit spaces, and other facilities should be available to the academic community regardless of research being pursued or subject being discussed. Any restrictions made necessary because of limited availability of space should be based on need, as reflected in library policy, rather than on content of research or discussion.

  9. Whenever possible, library services should be available without charge in order to encourage inquiry. Where charges are necessary, a free or low-cost alternative (e.g., downloading to disc rather than printing) should be available when possible.

  10. A service philosophy should be promoted that affords equal access to information for all in the academic community with no discrimination on the basis of race, values, gender, sexual orientation, cultural or ethnic background, physical or learning disability, economic status, religious beliefs, or views.

  11. A procedure ensuring due process should be in place to deal with requests by those within and outside the academic community for removal or addition of library resources, exhibits, or services.

  12. It is recommended that this statement of principle be endorsed by appropriate institutional governing bodies, including the faculty senate or similar instrument of faculty governance.

Privacy Policy

The DigiPen Institute of Technology library respects each patron’s privacy concerning use of library resources and actively seeks to preserve those privacy rights. Although the library makes every effort to protect the privacy of user circulation records and computer use, it may be obligated to release such information to law enforcement agents in response to a search warrant, subpoena, or other lawful directive issued in accordance with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, 50 U.S.C. 1801, et seq., as amended by the USA PATRIOT Act (Public Law 107-56). Under certain circumstances, library staff may be prohibited from informing you that the library received such a request.

The library maintains personally identifiable information for library accounts of valid library users. Items charged out are linked to the individual who currently has them. Upon return of an item to the library, the record that the item has been borrowed by the individual is retained for one year and then deleted, unless the item was returned overdue and resulted in an overdue fine. Records of non-returned or lost items billed to an individual for replacement are also retained for the same administrative and auditing purposes. You have the option to review and remove all record of items you have checked out and returned on time. To exercise this option, go to, click Log On at top right, and click on the History tab. You can both review your circulation record and delete it there. Items currently checked out and items for which fines are owed will still be retained.

Library circulation records are confidential information. Library staff will not give out the name of a person who currently has an item to another library user, and will not release this information to any other entity outside the library, except as required by law.

Circulation records are confidential in accordance with the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 42.56.310 which exempts patron information from the state’s Public Records Act. That exemption prohibits public inspection and copying of “Any library record, the primary purpose of which is to maintain control of library materials, or to gain access to information, which discloses or could be used to disclose the identity of a library user.”

World Wide Web Acceptable Use Policy

The DigiPen Institute of Technology Library provides access to World Wide Web resources as a service to its users: the faculty, staff, and students of DigiPen Institute of Technology.

All users of Web workstations located within the library have a responsibility to use this service in an ethical and legal manner. The guidelines that govern the use of these workstations are derived from DigiPen policies, from other legal considerations, from standards of common sense, and decency that apply to the use of any shared resource, and from concerns to maintain these workstations as effective, available resources.

Guidelines for Appropriate Use

  1. Use of the library workstations is limited to educational purposes. These educational purposes include resource discovery that fulfills class assignments, enhances career development, and promotes general knowledge gathering.

  2. Users many not load their own software onto these workstations.

  3. The library endorses the Library Bill of Rights and the Freedom to Read statement of the American Library Association. It does not censor access to materials or protect users from offensive and/or inaccurate or incorrect information. However, it fully supports DigiPen’s commitment to civility as key to the meaningful exhange of ideas. Therefore, the library Web workstations are not to be used with the intent to intimidate, harass, or display hostility toward others (e.g., to send hate literature or pornography). Users are also asked to be sensitive to materials that others in a public place might find offensive.

  4. During times of high demand, users are asked to limit their use of these Web workstations to 60 minutes per day.

  5. For reasons of individual privacy and security, the library recommends that users do not purchase products or services through the library’s Web workstations.

  6. The library provides laser printing at selected Web workstations. Users are encouraged to exercise caution when printing, as many Web pages require multiple printed pages to obtain a complete hard copy. Users are responsible for the print jobs they request.

Donations to the Library

The DigiPen Institute of Technology Library is able to accept unsolicited gift materials under the following conditions:

  1. Potential gift materials must be reviewed or screened before arrangements are made for delivery to the library.

  2. If the library has agreed to accept materials, then the items become the sole property of DigiPen Institute of Technology Library as soon as they have left the possession of the donor. The donor relinquishes all rights to the materials.

  3. Accepted gift materials will be processed in the manner deemed best by the library (i.e., added the collection, bound or rebound, sold to the public, donated to other organizations or otherwise retained, treated, or disposed).