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In this two-player cooperative shooter, a pilot and engineer must collaborate to keep their mech up and running in the fight against an alien bug infestation. Ready your suit and get out there — those bugs aren’t going to exterminate themselves!

This game requires two gamepads and two same-resolution monitors.

Game Screenshots

  • Inside view of mech suit piloting cockpit
  • Mech suit engineering controls
  • Side-by-side view of mech suit piloting cockpit and engineering controls

Created by Operation Oxidation

  • Colton Worrell

    BS in Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation

    Role: Producer, General Programmer

  • Jake Ryan

    BS in Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation

    Role: Tech Lead, Gameplay Programmer

  • Max Plum

    BS in Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation

    Role: Gameplay Programmer

  • Chris Thomas

    BS in Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation

    Role: AI Programmer

  • Bryce Denmark

    BA in Game Design

    Role: Creative Director, Systems Design

  • Cameron Bowman

    BA in Game Design

    Role: Lead Designer, UX Design

  • Blaise Markley

    BA in Game Design

    Role: Level Designer

  • Tyler Peterman

    BA in Game Design

    Role: UI Designer

  • Kira Premack

    BFA in Digital Art and Animation

    Role: Art Lead, 3D Generalist

  • Jonathan Wei

    BFA in Digital Art and Animation

    Role: Concept Artist, Graphic Designer

  • Santiparp Steenholt

    BFA in Digital Art and Animation

    Role: 3D modeler, Texture Artist

  • Punnut Pongampan

    BFA in Digital Art and Animation

    Role: VFX Artist

  • Connor Schultz

    BFA in Digital Art and Animation

    Role: Animator, Rigger

  • Tanpitcha Jinklab

    BFA in Digital Art and Animation

    Role: 3D modeler, Texture Artist

  • Jessica Keddy

    BFA in Digital Art and Animation

    Role: 3D modeler, Texture Artist

  • Thanumpa Mohprasit

    BFA in Digital Art and Animation

    Role: UI Artist

  • Nichapron Limpron

    BFA in Digital Art and Animation

    Role: 3D Modeler, Texture Artist

  • Garrett Pinney

    BFA in Digital Art and Animation

    Role: Props Artist, Animator

  • Lily Benardout

    BFA in Digital Art and Animation

    Role: Animation, Character Artist

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