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Sure, you love dogs, but do you have the wits it takes to BE a dog? Test your canine capabilities with the 2D puzzle-platformer Goat Herd, where you’ll have to woof at all that’s hoofed to claim victory. In this pastoral side-scroller, the player must shepherd wayward goats into their pens across tricky platforms and environmental hazards to complete each stage.

Awards and Recognition

  • 2018 DigiPen Arcade @ PAX West

    Featured Game

Game Screenshots

  • A golden brown dog stands near a goat in a painterly pastoral landscape.
  • A golden brown dog stands near a bell, a goat, and a large ice block in a pit of thorns.
  • A golden brown dog stands on a large ice cube near a goat statue in a pastoral landscape.

The Team

  • Pierce Cram

    BA in Music and Sound Design

    Role: Audio Lead

  • Zachary Davies

    BA in Game Design

    Role: Level Designer

  • Devon Marie-Rubin

    BFA in Digital Art and Animation

    Role: Character Artist

  • Juan Mendoza

    BFA in Digital Art and Animation

    Role: Animator

  • Christian Rodgers

    BA in Game Design

    Role: Creative Director, Design Lead

  • Jack Rowe

    BFA in Digital Art and Animation

    Role: Art Lead

  • Shung Tham

    BA in Game Design

    Role: Producer, Designer

  • Noah Williams

    BA in Game Design

    Role: Technical Lead, Designer

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