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When spiteful, wayward souls refuse to move on to the next life, they find themselves clinging to the shores of the Isles of Limbo. You are Echo, a guardian of this space between worlds, tasked with dislodging these souls and sending them on their way. Use your weapons and agility to maintain the order of the void, and defend the source of your power.

Game Screenshots

  • Skull-faced creature on an upside-down island
  • A floating crystal
  • Skull creature dodges enemy attack
  • Skull creature battles flying spirit enemy
  • Skull creature surrounded by crystals
  • Skull creature battles a one-eyed flower spirit
  • Skull creature battles multiple spirit enemies
  • Creature runs along a natural bridge
  • Skull creature battles multiple spirit enemies
  • Skull creature battles multiple spirit enemies

Created by Argonautics

  • Dylan Pautler

    BS in Engineering and Sound Design

    Role: Producer, Gameplay Programmer

  • Austin Stead

    BS in Computer Science and Game Design

    Role: Gameplay Programmer, Physics Programmer

  • Oliver Aaron

    BS in Computer Science

    Role: Tech Lead, Engine Architect

  • James Doolittle

    BS in Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation

    Role: Gameplay Programmer

  • Ryan Davis

    BS in Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation

    Role: Graphics Programmer

  • Trevin Dahl

    BFA in Digital Art and Animation

    Role: Art Lead

  • Amy Kim

    BFA in Digital Art and Animation

    Role: Character Artist

  • Josh Bechtol

    BFA in Digital Art and Animation

    Role: Animator

  • Blake Johnson

    BFA in Digital Art and Animation

    Role: Visual Effects Animator

  • Anoop Herur-Raman

    BFA in Digital Art and Animation

    Role: Cinematic Director

  • Jaden Abernathy

    BA in Music and Sound Design

    Role: Audio Lead

  • Barak Raz

    BA in Game Design

    Role: Design Lead

  • Casey Rogers

    BA in Game Design

    Role: UX Designer, Level Designer

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