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Private Battede must scrap and flap his way through the enemy-infested bat kingdom to thwart the evil that has overtaken it. To make it through the deserts, cities and mountains of this 2D side-scroller, command your bat familiars to form handy platforms, solve puzzles, collect coins, and find the magic fruit.

Student game team Project Asclepius made Lord of the Bats based on instructions and designs from a 15-year-old video game enthusiast named Mason, an outside stakeholder through the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

Awards and Recognition

  • 2015 DigiPen Game Awards

    Community Service Award

Game Screenshots

  • A laser beam turret shoots near Private Battede as he zips by on a mine cart.
  • A villain in a tank shoots a green beam at Private Battede, who is flipping mid-air atop a robot.
  • Private Battede stands on a platform in a desert landscape.

The Team

  • Pearce Bergh

    BS in Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation

    Role: Team Lead & Developer

  • Devin Brom

    BA in Game Design

    Role: Level Designer

  • Kylie Cave

    BFA in Digital Art and Animation

    Role: Character Artist

  • Niall Coursey

    BFA in Digital Art and Animation

    Role: Character Artist

  • Garrett Dressor

    BS in Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation

    Role: Gameplay Programmer

  • Joseph Erskine

    BS in Computer Science and Game Design

    Role: Art Producer

  • Nawid Haghgoo

    BS in Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation

    Role: Tools Programmer

  • Johnathan Henke

    BA in Music and Sound Design

    Role: Sound Designer

  • James Iv

    BFA in Digital Art and Animation

    Role: Environment Artist

  • Sion Jang

    BA in Music and Sound Design

    Role: Composer & Sound Designer

  • Devin Jensen

    BS in Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation

    Role: Technical Director & Team Co-Lead

  • Kori Loomis

    BS in Computer Science in Digital Audio

    Role: Sound Programmer & Encounter Programmer

  • Lance Mannebach

    BFA in Digital Art and Animation

    Role: Animator

  • Allyssa Overton

    BFA in Digital Art and Animation

    Role: Props Artist

  • Kalita Saintonge

    BS in Computer Science and Game Design

    Role: UI & Gameplay Designer

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