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Being 2D in a 3D world isn’t all bad. With puzzle platformer Perspective, your flat avatar can actually take advantage of its multidimensional surroundings. Utilizing an innovative core gameplay mechanic, the player moves a first-person camera, shifting perspective in the 3D environment that allows your 2D avatar to cheat impossible gaps and distances.

Before Team Widdershins settled on rationalizing Perspective’s strange 2D/3D environments by placing them inside arcade cabinets within the game, they also explored a few other off-the-wall explanations. Potential ideas included setting the game inside “a modern art museum, purgatory, a space station, an underwater building, or the 3D character’s insane interpretation of a real environment.”

Awards and Recognition

  • 2013 IGF

    Finalist, Technical Excellence

  • 2012 Brazilian International Game Festival

    Finalist, Best Gameplay

  • 2012 hóPlay

    Finalist, Best Original Idea

  • 2012 hóPlay

    Finalist, Playability

Game Screenshots

  • The player's blue avatar stands atop a blue block surrounded by orange walls
  • The player's avatar stands atop blue blocks running the length of a long metallic hallway
  • The player's avatar stands on blue blocks in a green-tinted room

The Team

  • Laura Borgen

    BFA in Digital Art and Animation

    Role: Artist

  • Pohung Chen

    BS in Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation

    Role: Producer

  • Logan Fieth

    BA in Game Design

    Role: Level Designer

  • Ariel Gitomer

    BFA in Digital Art and Animation

    Role: Artist

  • Jason Meisel

    BS in Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation

    Role: Design Lead

  • Edward Peters

    BFA in Digital Art and Animation

    Role: Artist

  • Mark Quigley

    BFA in Digital Art and Animation

    Role: Music Composer

  • Sean Reilly

    BS in Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation

    Role: Tools Programmer

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