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Armed with your grappling beam, swing through the innards of a massive ancient spaceship as galactic treasure hunter Sam Ward. With help from your trusty AI assistant Gimbal, can you locate the ship’s priceless hidden artifact in this immersive 3D platformer?

Relic was created by one of DigiPen’s largest game teams ever, composed of 25 students. While that considerable size made keeping everyone on the same page difficult at times, it also allowed them to flesh out more aspects of the game than usual. including over 1,000 lines of recorded dialogue and a designated writing team that developed 5,000 years of narrative history for Relic’s various races.

Awards and Recognition

  • 2015 DigiPen Game Awards

    Best Spoken Dialog

  • 2015 DigiPen Game Awards

    Best Characters

Game Screenshots

  • A plant-like structure raises through a cylindrical spaceship interior.
  • Sam Ward, wearing a space suit, leaps through a cavernous spaceship interior.
  • Sam Ward wanders through a room full of furnaces and glowing, hot lava.

The Team

  • Gonzalo Cano

    BFA in Digital Art and Animation

    Role: 3D Artist - Cinematic

  • Andrew Colean

    BS in Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation

    Role: Network Programmer

  • Robert Gervais

    BS in Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation

    Role: Narrative Lead

  • Alexandra Ginter

    BFA in Digital Art and Animation

    Role: Co-Art Lead

  • Kevin Gray

    BS in Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation

    Role: Programmer

  • Stephan Haldaman

    BA in Game Design

    Role: Level Designer

  • Geoffry Hammon

    BA in Game Design

    Role: Lead Designer

  • Tyler Harper

    BA in Game Design

    Role: Designer

  • Justin Jacox

    BA in Music and Sound Design

    Role: Audio Lead

  • Devin Kaas

    BA in Game Design

    Role: Producer

  • Min Kim

    BS in Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation

    Role: Programmer

  • Paul Kranich

    BA in Game Design

    Role: Level Designer

  • Alexandra Lucas

    BS in Computer Science and Game Design

    Role: Narrative Designer

  • Lance Mannebach

    BFA in Digital Art and Animation

    Role: Modeler

  • Justin Millard

    BS in Computer Science and Game Design

    Role: Gameplay Programmer

  • Jenalle Nordgren

    BFA in Digital Art and Animation

    Role: Technical Artist

  • Jessica Parker

    BFA in Digital Art and Animation

    Role: Co-Art Lead

  • Scott Reed

    BFA in Digital Art and Animation

    Role: Animator - Cinematic

  • Christopher Sabin

    BA in Music and Sound Design

    Role: Sound Designer

  • David Sacks

    BS in Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation

    Role: Programmer

  • Ian Shores

    BA in Music and Sound Design

    Role: Composer

  • Jose Villalobos

    BFA in Digital Art and Animation

    Role: Concept Artist

  • Brynna White

    BFA in Digital Art and Animation

    Role: Voice of Gimbal

  • Adam Wolfe

    BFA in Digital Art and Animation

    Role: Texturer

  • Jiying Zhao

    BFA in Digital Art and Animation

    Role: Concept Artist - Cinematic

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