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Youll need to think out of the box if you want to make your way through puzzle-platformer The Fourth Wall. Thanks to your special power, you can lock the frame in your side-scrolling 2D world, allowing you to jump past its bounds and wrap to the opposite edge of the screen. The unique gameplay mechanic makes for some serious head scratchers, but with a little ingenuity, no boundary is impassable.

Even though it was only a sophomore year game project, The Fourth Wall was met with acclaim from sites like RockPaperShotgun and GiantBomb. Thanks in part to the warm reception, designer and DigiPen grad Logan Fieth went on to create Four Sided Fantasy, a Steam game supported by a successful Kickstarter campaign, using the many of the same unique game mechanics he developed in The Fourth Wall.

Awards and Recognition

  • 2012 Indie Game Challenge


  • 2012 Independent Propeller Awards

    Honorable Mention

Game Screenshots

  • A black and white man runs along a grey platform in the rain.
  • A black and white man runs along a grey platform in the rain.

The Team

  • Justin Benjamin

    BA in Game Design

    Role: Narration & Writing

  • Logan Fieth

    BA in Game Design

    Role: Design

  • Aleksander Hiebert

    BS in Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation

    Role: Music

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