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Robotic sci-fi warriors race to destroy the enemy base in a multiplayer battle arena experience. Wielding lasers and plasma grenades, as well as the ability to teleport, you’ll need smart tactics to outmaneuver your opponents before your own base falls.

Game Screenshots

  • Blue and red robotic forces battle over a riverway.
  • Blue robots line up near a pylon.
  • An explosion sends concussion waves through the battlefield.

The Team

  • Frank Cheng

    MS in Computer Science

    Role: Tools

  • Denis Ishmukhametov

    MS in Computer Science

    Role: Producer

  • Jessica Kutrakun

    MFA in Digital Arts

    Role: Artist

  • Thomas McGrail

    MS in Computer Science

    Role: Engine

  • Aileen Nevius

    MFA in Digital Arts

    Role: Artist

  • Katherine Picchi

    BS in Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation

    Role: Artist

  • Hannah Sayre

    MFA in Digital Arts

    Role: Art Lead

  • Kelsey Sorge-Toomey

    MFA in Digital Arts

    Role: Animator

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